3A Blog — religion
My value is not in the eyes of the world
By nature, I’m a pleaser. And that’s a difficult personality trait to have sometimes. Because, let’s face it, some people just aren’t easy to please. But then, why in the world am I trying so hard to please them anyway? It’s really strange. It can be a complete stranger. I just don’t want to let them down or disappoint them in any way. But I don’t know them and will never see them again, so, why does it matter? I feel like that’s a constant struggle for me. I have a little note in my phone that I refer back...
Love Your Neighbor
I recently saw a friend post this statement on Facebook: Why couldn’t Jesus have said “Just don’t hate your neighbor”. It’s so true for so many of us. So many times we want to overlook the real meaning of “Love your neighbor as yourself”. It’s pretty easy to look at that say, “well, I’m not hurting my neighbor, so it’s all good.” But that’s not what it says. And let’s not miss the other part of that…”as yourself”. That doesn’t mean take care of yourself first, then, if you have money, food, time, etc., leftover that you then use it...
TOMS Roasting Co. – Our Thoughts
clean water coffee poverty religion uganda
It didn’t take long today until I had people start asking how I felt about TOMS new one for one coffee product that provides clean water. I think the only way to answer that question is to be 100% real, open, honest, and vulnerable. I pretty quickly went through a couple stages: shock, anger, confusion, sadness, and landing on hope. In January of 2010, I traveled to Uganda with a group from my church. My life was forever changed by what I saw. I came back to the US and quickly launched Three Avocados as a non-profit with a dream...