3A Blog — uganda
It Feels Different This Year
World Water Day feels quite a bit different this year. The world is in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous countries are under strict lockdown, numerous U.S. cities are under stay-at-home orders, and the news doesn’t seem to be getting better. To be honest with you, I struggled with what to do to celebrate World Water Day. It almost feels inappropriate to celebrate anything right now. It almost feels inappropriate to point attention at the population of the world that lacks access to clean drinking water (there’s 785 million of them, by the way). As I reflect on what...
The Boy From Mbulamuti
Many people are familiar with the story of where the name Three Avocados came from, however, there’s another village in Uganda that holds an extremely special place in my heart: Mbulamuti (pronounced muh-boo-la-moo-tee…I think). On my first trip to Uganda in 2010, Mbulamuti captured my heart. You see, Mbulamuti used to be a big deal. The train came straight through town and pick up the cotton crop. There’s an old warehouse, what used to be offices and nice houses, and an old grain mill. The old grain mill is now the church. And this is what it looks like today:...
Poverty is a Choice
Over the last 4 years I’ve been fortunate enough to visit Africa twice. I spent numerous days meeting people in villages, visiting coffee farms, and driving around the endless dilapidated dirt roads. I’ve seen thousands upon thousands of people selling their wares at roadside markets. I’ve seen many men and women manually working the fields, with nothing more than a shovel and hoe they fashioned themselves at home. I’ve seen countless houses without roofs. I’ve seen hungry street children watch me eat from across the street, hoping for scraps. I’ve seen mothers struggle to feed their children. I’ve seen the...
Fox 2 St. Louis Interview with Three Avocados Founder, Joe Koenig
clean water coffee dreams uganda
To learn more about Three Avocados or to purchase coffee, visit threeavocados.org.
TOMS Roasting Co. – Our Thoughts
clean water coffee poverty religion uganda
It didn’t take long today until I had people start asking how I felt about TOMS new one for one coffee product that provides clean water. I think the only way to answer that question is to be 100% real, open, honest, and vulnerable. I pretty quickly went through a couple stages: shock, anger, confusion, sadness, and landing on hope. In January of 2010, I traveled to Uganda with a group from my church. My life was forever changed by what I saw. I came back to the US and quickly launched Three Avocados as a non-profit with a dream...