3A Blog — coffee
This Letter From Three High School Students Brought Me To Tears
If you follow this blog at all, you know that I struggle with depression. It hits at unexplainable times and often has the effect of making me like I’m failing at [fill in virtually anything here]. If you follow our Twitter account, you know that I tweet a lot about never giving up. Honestly, so many of those tweets are meant for me. They’re thoughts I tell myself, that I decide to share with the world. Over the past two weeks, I’ve had bouts of feeling like Three Avocados isn’t doing enough. That we’re not making a big enough impact....
Our First Bag Design
Since it’s our birthday, how about a trip down memory lane? Above is what our first coffee bags looked like back in 2010! What do you think???
4 Years, Clean Water for 20,000
It’s hard to believe that it’s already been four years! I remember the day in 2010 when we had coffee ready to sell for the first time. I had no idea how we were going to sell the few hundred bags of coffee I had sitting in my dining room. But I had faith that it would sell and that soon, we’d be ready to make more. Fast-forward four years and thousands of pounds of coffee later; 20,000 people now have clean drinking water. It’s amazing to see what Three Avocados is turning into. And we’re just getting started. I...
Fox 2 St. Louis Interview with Three Avocados Founder, Joe Koenig
clean water coffee dreams uganda
To learn more about Three Avocados or to purchase coffee, visit threeavocados.org.
TOMS Roasting Co. – Our Thoughts
clean water coffee poverty religion uganda
It didn’t take long today until I had people start asking how I felt about TOMS new one for one coffee product that provides clean water. I think the only way to answer that question is to be 100% real, open, honest, and vulnerable. I pretty quickly went through a couple stages: shock, anger, confusion, sadness, and landing on hope. In January of 2010, I traveled to Uganda with a group from my church. My life was forever changed by what I saw. I came back to the US and quickly launched Three Avocados as a non-profit with a dream...